July 26, 2009

Faking Profundity

I wrote this in response to two posters I know from the Slate's fray...a place I used to frequent. One poster is a serial plagiarist, and the other a christian fundamentalist who claims the moon landing was hoax.

Seriously. This guy has no problem believing in a virgin birth or the resurrection, but landing on the moon? A myth.

So this ditty is what came to me thinking on these limpdicks' deeeeeep thoughts.

Mother Mary, stars are falling,
frightened, spent among the beads.
Schizophrenics eating moonpies,
string them on your rosary.

Sixteen candles pierce the frosting,
Every moment tis of thee.
Thirteen Fridays make a season,
Aces four, a symmetry.

Al Khwarismi, Hemachandra
Fibonacci’s Plagiaries
Algebraic Algorithms
invented by Rome’s enemies.

Differential, Parametric,
holomorphic tendencies.
Lunar Cycles, Lunar Tickles,
scribbled incoherencies.

Car-di-nals with absolution,
sacred numbers, counting me.
in a bowl or in a basket
Avogadro, set us free.

Dancing two-step, dancing barefoot,
Dancing Angels on a pin.
Rate-equation, new mutations,
counting toes is not a sin.

I rhymed some words that sounded like
mathematical philosophy.
I sprinkled terms and dropped some names
purloining their profundity.

© badpoet


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