December 30, 2004

Cheney Under Glass

Saltpeter fresh.
Saltpeter dried.
Have a plate of withered Dick,
Sliced twice, and fried.

© 2001 Catnapping

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December 29, 2004

Blue Shoes in the doo doooooo

I lifted my foot,
and what did I view?
Doo Doo
on my new blue shoes.

A scraping(it's true)
was long overdue.
And a soaking straight through,
with scented shampoo.

So I dipped my blue shoes
in a soapy fondue.
In hopes to subdue
the doo doo's


© 2004 catnapping

Ode to Ari

When I read the piss
that Fleischer doth spew,
and behold

his addle-drenched words spilt foul,

I know ‘tis certain

they’ve dribbled untrue
through fistula

made from bladder to bowel.

© 2003 Catnapping

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December 02, 2004

Toil and Trouble

Tongue of Bush
and ear of Rush
GoOPers both,
their brains are mush.

Addled dorks
of the far right wing,
scrambled eggs,
their brains' real thing.

Add to this
their tiny pricks
So pink and limp,
not worth a lick.

Now boil with them
some Newt, then quick,
push Cheney in,
he's such a Dick.

I hope that this
will soon let loose
The fires of hell
to cook Bush’s goose.

© 2001 Catnapping

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